We invite authors to submit original research papers, case studies, and innovative ideas on intelligent cities in short paper format. There will be four main thematic tracks for submission


We invite authors to submit original research papers, case studies, and innovative ideas on intelligent cities in short paper format. There will be four main thematic tracks for submission:

Track 1: Technology and Infrastructure

Track 2: Energy and Sustainability

Track 3: Governance and Digital Transformation

Track 4: Quality of life, health, education, and safety

All Short papers should be submitted through our online submission system @ ic2.scbamerica.com

Submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process by an esteemed panel of experts. We will only accept short papers in English, up to 5 pages, formatted under the IEEE Guidelines (IEEE Paper Format | Template & Guidelines (scribbr.com)). Presentations can be in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.

Accepted short papers presented during the conference will be published in the conference proceedings.

Authors must submit original work that has not been published elsewhere or is currently under review. Articles for IC² must be written in English, and presentations can be made in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Papers should be submitted in PDF A4 format and follow the guidelines established by the IEEE for Conference papers. Formatting details for writing the text in Word, LaTeX, or Overleaf can be found at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. Articles should be no longer than 5 pages, including all figures, tables, appendices, bibliographical references and acknowledgements.

  • Article registration: You must enter the title, authors, abstract and keywords.
  • Submission of the full article: You must submit the article in PDF file format.

The publication of accepted articles in the Congress proceedings requires the registration of at least one of their authors and their presentation at the event.

Articles submitted to IC²  are evaluated according to a double-blind review process. For this reason, when registering articles, it is necessary to submit the full article and parts of it in order to eliminate the identification of authors. 

In addition, the following rules must be followed:

  • Citations to related work by the authors themselves should be written anonymously. For example, you should write “the work of Silva et al.” as opposed to “in our previous work”. Terms that could identify the authors should also be avoided, for example, “we”, “our”, “funding”, “University”, “github”, etc;
  • The article submitted must not mention artifacts in repositories or websites that would allow the authors to be identified. Research artifacts must be made available anonymously. To anonymize repositories hosted on the GitHub platform, we suggest using the anonymous service (https://anonymous.4open.science/);
  • If the article submitted is an evolution of a previous work, the reference to that work can be anonymized;
  • Reviewers are not encouraged to search for references identifying the authors in other sources. Searches in digital libraries or existing artifacts do not invalidate the double-blind rules.

Questions about preparing articles according to the anonymization rules can be sent to the Program Committee Coordinators.

Articles that fall outside the topics of interest to the IC² Congress or that do not comply with the required formatting and anonymization rules will be disqualified and rejected without going through the review process.

If a simultaneous submission or prior publication in another forum (event or journal) of an article submitted to this Congress is identified and reported at any time, the article will be rejected.

Submitted articles will be reviewed for approval with regard to technical and methodological soundness (the extent to which the article’s contributions address its research questions, applying appropriate research methods), relevance (the extent to which the article’s contributions can impact the field of smart cities research), originality (whether the contributions are sufficiently innovative in relation to the state of the art) and presentation (quality of the article’s writing, including clear descriptions, correct use of language, absence of ambiguity, legible figures and tables and adherence to formatting instructions). In addition, reviewers will be able to comment on the transparency of the research based on the open research artifacts made available.

Articles that comply with the submission criteria will be approved or not without the opportunity to review the text. However, the reviewers will provide feedback on the evaluation so that the authors can improve their work.

Submission Opens: November 18, 2024
Registration Deadline: November 30, 2024
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2025
Conference Dates: June 3-4, 2025

The works will be evaluated according to their relevance, originality, technical suitability, and applicability.

The texts will also be analyzed for coherence and quality.

We look forward to your valuable contributions to the 2ⁿᵈ IC² Conference on Theory and Practice for Intelligent Cities.​

Your expertise and insights would significantly contribute to the success of IC² - 2025.

For any inquiries or additional information, please get in touch with us at IC2@SCBAMERICA.COM




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